New bewilderedkidiverse installment delayed….because….

There are only three more installments left for the bewilderedkidiverse, but I’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on my submission for the Big Funny exhibit coming up at Altered Esthetics in August. This is a juried show, which I am unsure I will get into, so in lieu of that I present to you the black and white version of my submission.

Click on the image to enlarge, but beware it is quite large!

I’ll get around to throwing the new bewilderedkidiverse installment up tomorrow evening.


  1. Steven Stwalley

    Wow, Dan! You’ve outdone yourself… awesome, crazy layout! You thinking you’re going to color it or not?

  2. bewilderedkid

    Hey Steve, thanks! I did color it, but I think that I like the B&W version better, I’ll post the color version a bit later tonight. I sent both files to Kevin yesterday.

  3. Ryan Dow

    That is one crazy, ambitious layout.

  4. Loops

    That’s so cool! I’m still inking mine. Yikes.

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