Super Fantastica Comix Summer/Fall 2008 Released!

The much anticipated and newest edition of Super Fantastica Comix was released at the MCBA FallCon 2008 last weekend! This edition includes 24 pages of stories, printed in black and white, along with two pages of artist biographies.

As you can see for only three dollars you get a beautifully illustrated cover by the incomparable Steve Stwalley! This edition’s theme was PSA and the contributors did their very best to create a one to five page story that somehow (subtly or not) include that acronym. Creators include: Amado Rodriguez, Ben Z, Bob Lipski, Brian Bastian, Bud Burgy, Daniel J. Olson, Danno Klonowski, Ray N., Ryan Dow, Steven Stwalley, Vanesa Littlecrow

This printing is limited to 50 copies and will hit comic shops so gracious to carry it soon! More info on where to find it will follow later. In the meantime, enjoy some pictures from the book!


  1. STWALLSKULL » INTERESTING LINKS: Krazy Kat in the Kolumbia Kartoons at Uncle John’s Crazy Town: October 14th, 2008

    [...] Super Fantastica Comix Summer/Fall 2008 Released! from [...]


    [...] below cover and a strip inside my friend Dan Olson’s latest SUPER-FANTASTICA anthology… more information here. I also had a 4-page piece in the first issue. The strip I have in the current issue is the same one [...]

  3. Soapy the Chicken » SUPER-FANTASTICA COMICS #3

    [...] below cover and a strip inside my friend Dan Olson’s latest SUPER-FANTASTICA anthology… more information here. I also had a 4-page piece in the first issue. The strip I have in the current issue is the same one [...]

  4. bewilderedkid

    Hot damn! Thanks for all the pings Steve!

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